“Passion” is a buzz word these days. I say this without evidence, just my own observation. A Google search yielded two “passion is buzzword” results: Fresh Brainz: Buzzwords I Hate and Has Passion Become Another Job-Seeker Buzzword? I am glad to see that others share my sentiments. In businesses, schools, and organizations, those in authority challenge those who are not to state their passion. It seems intrusive to me and also unrealistic. Who has the energy to be passionate all the time? Who has the energy to be around someone who is passionate all the time? I like calm, I like reason. Passion I like in small doses.
But I learned in a “writing for interactive media” course at Quinnipiac University what those in authority really mean when they ask after your passion. And I am relieved. Curiosity, interest, and even a little knowledge I can handle.
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