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Final Thoughts

I began this course in writing for interactive media with few preconceptions. Although I worked as a technical writer for a number of years and wrote corporate communications, volunteer newsletters, and even, long ago, articles for a daily newspaper, I wasn’t sure that my experience would be entirely relevant. I assumed that my experience would help me adapt to this new-to-me environment, and I believe my assumption was mostly correct.

I say mostly correct because I struggled, and continue to struggle, with a key element of writing for interactive media; namely, using social media effectively. I feel clumsy using it and know that I must push myself to master it. I will work on this, as well as continue my effort to learn good writing for the web and the technical tasks necessary to support a blog.

What did I learn? That I need to write shorter sentences, write more than a first draft, and write daily to hone my skills and allow time for revision. I need to be more tactful in critiquing and more careful in telling jokes. I learned valuable insights about how to improve my work from my team-mates, Desiree and Geoff, and from Professor Nichols. Thank you, all.

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