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{ Category Archives } Bizspeak and Journalese

Essay on bizspeak and journalese jargon

Thoughts on “Words” reading

Zinsser’s chapter on words was a refresher for me. The “bizspeak” I adopted as a technical writer are just as tired as the “journalese” lingo Zinsser described. Owing to a layoff, I was out of the workforce for a while, but I recall terms and phrases I accepted on protest and others that I really […]

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Thoughts on Brevity lecture

This week’s lecture on brevity resonated with me, especially the statement, “when you try to simplify, you often realize just how unwieldy and disorganized your ideas really are.” I have enough experience writing to know that, for me, anyway, no writing assignments are easy. None flow effortlessly, and all take more time than I anticipated. […]

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