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{ Category Archives } CMS Content Migration

Student essay with how-to steps for migrating content with a CMS

Content Governance Using CMS

Content Governance Using CMS

How to migrate content to Tridion

All websites require content management of some sort, even if management consists only of transferring image and text files to a host server for publication using a previously acquired domain name, and then publishing the transferred content so that anyone can access it on the Internet. This technique works well for blogs and other small […]

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What’s that you’re telling me?

We drive to neighborhoods to find businesses, public buildings, and homes. It’s not something we think much about. We go to websites to find information or buy products, or both. We may like the look of a particular neighborhood, shopping center, house, or website, but we usually don’t ask ourselves why. Nor do we ask […]

Wayfinding in my neighborhood

Well, it’s not that hard. I say that now, nearly two years after moving here (Garland, suburb of Dallas) from Nashville. I drove some 12 hours with four angry cats crammed into two carriers in the back seat of my small sedan. The cats expressed their fury the whole way and did not relent for […]

Wayfinding in the rain

Heavy rainstorms in Dallas-Fort Worth this week blocked the usual unobstructed view of this prairie  metroplex — 9, 286 square miles in size or, according to Wikipedia, “roughly the size of New Hampshire.” Where ordinarily you see acres of tract housing, strip malls, and shopping centers and miles of streets, frontage roads, and highways, on […]

Building with words, building with bricks

Early in my career, I was a prim copy editor annoying to those who had big ideas and wanted to express them quickly and forcefully. Armed with The Chicago Manual of Style and other references, I painstakingly edited documents to be used as guides in winning and managing client engagements — work done by consultants […]